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Calling South Korea Long Distance

What time will it be when you call South Korea? South Korea operates in South Korea Standard Time, which is 9 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time and 14 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST). Keep in mind that South Korea does not participate in Daylight Saving Time so, from mid-March to early November, South Korea is 13 hours ahead of EST.
When calling South Korea, dial the country calling code, 82, followed by the area code and subscriber number. The area code for Seoul is 1 digit, while the area codes for all other cities are 2 digits. Local subscriber numbers are 6-7 digits. The total number of digits in the area code and subscriber number combined is always 8. For example, for a call to Seoul, use the city’s area code of 2, followed by a 7-digit subscriber number. For a call to Pohang, use the area code 54, followed by a 6-digit subscriber number. Check out our list of major city codes here.
Browse our guide for tips on calling South Korea long distance.
South Flag

South Korea Phone Cards and Calling Cards

Recommended Phone Cards for Calling South Korea

Crazy USA
Crazy USA Phone Card
No connection fees
10% off sale
Auto Recharge
Pin less dialing
Speed Dial
Call History
Billing History
Virtual Card
Simply Asia USA
Simply Asia USA Phone Card
No connection fees
Auto Recharge
Pinless dialing
Speed Dial
Call History
Billing History
Virtual Card

Other Great South Korea Phone Cards

  RatesConnection FeeService FeeMaintenance FeeRoundingFeaturesPriceMinutes 
  BHARAT 3.3 ¢0.00 ¢No service feesNo maintenance fee applies6 second rounding with a 30 second minimum call.Local Access 151 min


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