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Uruguay Flag

Montevideo Phone Cards and Uruguay Calling Cards

Recommended Phone Cards for Calling Montevideo

Crazy USA
Crazy USA Phone Card
No connection fees
10% off sale
Auto Recharge
Pin less dialing
Speed Dial
Call History
Billing History
Virtual Card
Mega Clean & Stable
Mega Clean & Stable Phone Card
Completely Clean
1 minute rounding
Stable Rates
Auto Recharge
Pinless dialing
Speed Dial
Call History
Billing History
Virtual Card
Related Destinations

Other Great Montevideo,Uruguay Phone Cards

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". . . I have been using Union Telecard to call Italy for about 2 years by now and I am very satisfied with the service provided. The prices are extremely competitive (even compared with VOIP services) and the connection quality is always good or very good. Highly recommended. . . ."

Naperville, IL
". . .I used the Union Telecard products for over two years, while my fiancé was in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. I appreciated the calling card service; they are much cheaper than using the phone company's calling plan.. . ."

Willow Grove, PA
". . .One of my friends advised me to use Union Telecard calling cards. Using the website I started buying super-clean, middle-east and mega-clean and using them. All have nice voice quality and no disconnecting problem during the call. If you make less frequent calls and talk longer, middle-east and super-clean is good for it or if you call frequently mega-clean is the best. Cheers.. . ."

Sunderland, MA

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