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Calling Mexico Long Distance

The country calling code for Mexico is 52, which will be the first numbers you dial when calling. Next come area codes (also known as long distance codes), which have 2-3 digits, and local subscriber numbers with 7-8 digits. The total number of digits for the area code and subscriber number is always 10. Large cities often have 2-digit area codes. e.g. Mexico City uses 55., while smaller cities use 3-digit codes. e.g. Tulum uses 984. See a list of major city codes here.
Mexico is almost as wide as the United States, so, not surprisingly, it too has multiple time zones. Consider the time zone you are calling to and from before you call. Mexico is amazing country with lots to offer. Don’t waste time and money confused when our calling guide can help you with calling Mexico long distance.
Mexico Flag

Mexico Phone Cards and Calling Cards

Recommended Phone Cards for Calling Mexico

La Medalla Mexicana
La Medalla Mexicana Phone Card
Mexico destinations only
6.4¢ to Mexico mobile
As low as 1.5¢ to landlines
No service fee
Auto Recharge
1 minute rounding
USA La Leyenda
USA La Leyenda Phone Card
No connection fees
No Service Fees
1 minute rounding
Auto Recharge
Pinless dialing
Speed Dial
Call History
Billing History
Virtual Card

Other Great Mexico Phone Cards

  RatesConnection FeeService FeeMaintenance FeeRoundingFeaturesPriceMinutes 
  La Medalla Mexicana 3.2 ¢0.00 ¢No Service FeesNo Maintenance fee applies1 MinuteLocal Access 250 min


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