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Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Cards and Calling Cards

Recommended Phone Cards for Calling Bosnia and Herzegovina

Crazy USA
Crazy USA Phone Card
No connection fees
10% off sale
Auto Recharge
Pin less dialing
Speed Dial
Call History
Billing History
Virtual Card
Mega Clean & Stable
Mega Clean & Stable Phone Card
Completely Clean
1 minute rounding
Stable Rates
Auto Recharge
Pinless dialing
Speed Dial
Call History
Billing History
Virtual Card
Related Destinations

Other Great Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Cards

  RatesConnection FeeService FeeMaintenance FeeRoundingFeaturesPriceMinutes 


". . . I have been amazed at the success of my connections and the clarity. I really appreciate Union Telecard service and their commitment to me as a valued customer. Thanks Union Telecard for helping to facilitate my work in developing regions of the world! You will never know how much you have allowed us to accomplish that could not have happened without this communication option. . . ."

Redlands, CA
". . .I make hundreds of dollars of calls to Africa a month, so I’m obviously interested in the best combination of rate and quality. I use Mega Clean and Stable virtually every day! . . ."

Dorchester, MA
". . .I make international calls almost daily, to keep in touch with friends in Central and South America. I've been using the Mega Clean and Stable card for several years now. Using the card is hassle-free, the connection quality is great, and it's a money-saver for my phone bill. I'd recommend this card to anyone who does a lot of long-distance calling. . . ."

San Diego, CA

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