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Athens Phone Cards and Greece Calling Cards

Recommended Phone Cards for Calling Athens

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". . . I really appreciate the Union Telecard Website. I started buying the cards in 2003 with the Purple Card to Nigeria. My most heavy usages occur in 2004 where I bought every other week to call my wife in Dominican Republic. I love it because it's very convenient. All I need is just few clicks to purchase the cards and also I compare rates. UnionTelecard is a life saver. . . ."

Elkridge, MD
". . .Union Telecard is no doubt the best Internet phone card mart I have ever come across. This is the reason why I continue to buy from Union Telecard since almost four years ago. I like the fact that their website is secured, the occasional offer given to customers, and various phone cards with absolutely no fee (connection, service or maintenance fee). . . ."

Berkeley, CA
". . .Excellent website!! I barely spend 10 seconds when I need to buy a phone card, who can beat that? Better rates than regular phone cards purchased in gas stations and much more convenient!! . . ."

Greenwich, CT

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